The first set of cycles in numerology spans the ages of 0 to 28 and is divided into four distinct stages. During this period, a person’s personality is formed, and their spiritual “cocoon” is developed. From 28 to 56, a new life emerges within this cocoon. This new life doesn’t always refer to children—it could also mean starting a business or achieving a lifelong dream. From 56 onwards, life enters a new phase, repeating the events of previous cycles but on a higher level of understanding.
The Breakdown of Seven-Year Cycles
0 to 7 Years:
This is the cycle of the beginning of life, during which a child forms their bond with their mother and starts exploring the world. This stage is one of the most critical for spiritual development.
7 to 14 Years:
This is a stage of maturation, where the essence of things and phenomena becomes clearer, and relationships with others start to take shape. Parents become the child’s most significant role models. If parents are absent, the child searches for a spiritual mentor—someone they aspire to emulate. During this time, the child begins to form their first life goals.
14 to 21 Years:
This is one of the most challenging and pivotal periods of life. Here, a person begins to move toward the world rather than simply alongside it. It is a time for discovering one’s purpose, taking the first independent steps, stepping away from parental influence, and building their unique energy.
21 to 28 Years:
This is a time of introspection and self-discovery. During this phase, individuals begin to settle down, deciding on their place in society and contemplating the creation of their own home—a space that feels welcoming and meaningful. It’s crucial during this stage that parents avoid pressuring or influencing their child’s choices, as mistakes made here often lead to spiritual and energetic growth.
28 to 35 Years:
This phase marks the beginning of the second cycle, when the consequences of previous stages become apparent. For instance, if a person was not allowed to express themselves between the ages of 14 and 21, they may face challenges in work and social life. Similarly, unresolved issues with parents could lead to difficulties in marriage or relationships.
35 to 42 Years:
During this period, individuals frequently strive to correct past mistakes. Problems with parents, which may have arisen during the ages of 14 to 21, are typically resolved now. Many people meet their life partners or enter second marriages during this time. However, if unresolved mistakes persist, they may find themselves repeating the same patterns.
42 to 49 Years:
This is a time of deeper understanding and appreciation for life’s fullness. Those who have successfully addressed their earlier challenges can realize their full potential in areas such as love, work, or spiritual growth. Bioenergetics researchers believe that this is when people often uncover the true meaning of their existence.
49 to 56 Years:
This stage marks the development of higher spirituality and wisdom. By the end of this period, a connection to higher consciousness is fully established, and many people experience a resurgence of energy and a second youth.
From 56 Years Onward:
Life begins anew with the formation of new relationships with one’s mother and a reevaluation of parental relationships, especially if the parents are no longer present. This phase often brings a renewed rebellious spirit, a deepened spiritual connection, and so on.
Embracing Life's Stages
It is essential to approach every life stage with an open and pure heart. Let go of the past, move forward fearlessly, release negativity, and learn to forgive others—and yourself. By doing so, you can make the most of each seven-year cycle and create a happier, more fulfilling life.