The Mystery of Numbers: Fatal and Lucky Digits
Probably, there is no person who has never thought about the danger associated with the numbers 13 and 666. The number 7 seems to be loved by everyone because happiness is often said to be found in the seventh heaven.
But what is behind these numbers? Is there really a reason to fear, avoid, or even love them? Let's find out.

The Enigma of Number 13

Friday the 13th—on this day, people try not to plan anything that could disrupt their inner peace. Statistics indicate that most accidents happen on this day. Of course, it could simply be because it's Friday—the end of the work week affects people in both depressing and relaxing ways, making them lose control, sometimes with fatal consequences.

One way or another, 13 is truly a fateful number. Let’s recall one of the most well-known stories: The Last Supper, where 13 people (including Jesus) were present, ended with Christ’s crucifixion. To this day, groups of 13 people often prefer to add a fourteenth member—just in case.

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The Mystery of Number 666

The number 666 is considered the Devil’s number. In the Book of Revelation, it is referred to as the “number of the beast,” and it’s not difficult to guess which beast is meant.
Humanity hates and fears the number 666 so much that in many cities, skyscrapers do not have a 66th floor—67 follows immediately after 65.

Perhaps the most interesting and terrifying fact is that the World Wide Web is sometimes considered the Devil’s creation because the number 666 is believed to have a letter-based representation that resembles “www.” It’s unsettling to realize that we use the Antichrist’s creation every day—even right now, while reading this article.

The Secret of Seven

The number 7, on the other hand, has always been considered lucky. Seven musical notes, seven colours of the rainbow, seven days in which God created the world (and it turned out quite well), seven sacraments, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, there are also seven deadly sins, but that’s just the exception that proves the rule.

Thus, the number 7 is sacred in many religions, and people generally love it. Interestingly, studies suggest that a person can remember only seven new things at a time—for example, seven new words in a foreign language. It turns out that not only our psyche but also our brain favors and trusts this number.

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