Numerology: How to Build Your Life Chart
How can we determine where we are in our life journey? What lies ahead, and what path has destiny laid out for us? Learn how to create your personal life chart in this article.
Step 1

To build your life chart, you only need your birthdate, a blank sheet of paper, and a pencil. And, of course, a calculator. Write your birthdate in the following format: the day and month as the first number and the birth year as the second. Multiply these two numbers and write down the result.

For example, if you were born on April 16, 1980:

  • First number: 1604
  • Second number: 1980
  • Multiply them:
  • 1604 × 1980 = 3,175,920
Photo by nickobec
Step 2
Take a sheet of paper and draw a coordinate system (two perpendicular lines). On the vertical axis, mark a scale up to nine. On the horizontal axis, mark as many positions as there are digits in your calculated number.

In our example, 3,175,920 has seven digits, so you draw seven marks on the horizontal axis.

Step 3
Plot points on the graph as follows:
  • The first point is at the intersection of 1 on the horizontal axis and the first digit of your number on the vertical axis.
  • The second point follows the second digit, and so on.
For instance, in our case:
  • First point: (1,3)
  • Second point: (2,1)
  • Third point: (3,7)
  • Continue this for all digits.
Step 4
Connect all the points with a broken line—this forms your life chart.
  • Ascending sections indicate times when life is improving.
  • Descending sections mark more challenging periods.
Step 5
Now, sum up all the digits of your number and divide by the total number of digits.
For 3,175,920, the sum is:
3 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 9 + 2 + 0 = 27
Now divide by 7 (the number of digits):
27 ÷ 7 ≈ 3.86
Mark 3.86 on the vertical axis and draw a horizontal line.
  • This represents your baseline satisfaction level—when life feels balanced.
  • Any part of the life chart above this line is considered a happy phase, while below it represents difficulties.
Step 6
Match the points on the graph with your age.
  • The horizontal axis represents decades (10, 20, 30 years, etc.).
  • The vertical axis represents single years.
For example:
  • The first point (1,3) corresponds to age 13.
  • The second (2,1) corresponds to age 21.
  • The third (3,7) corresponds to age 37, and so on.
Done! Now you can see how your personal satisfaction levels have fluctuated over the years and better understand your place on your life chart.

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